Monday, December 3, 2012

The potty timer

I want to tell you how this timer saved my life.  One day, someone gave me the brilliant idea to set the timer when cleaning.  Every day, go through each room and clean for ten minutes.  It really has worked wonders for me. I can see change happening in my cleaning and feel more productive this way. That is, when I can find it the timer.  It also helps with potty training. Every time the ten minute dinger goes off, I am done with that room or project, and on the potty we go!  Or, at least "on the potty Jedidiah goes."

I don't just use it with chores either.  I use it with the computer and other projects.  It is really nice to really get a grip of how long you are on the computer and what you are actually accomplishing when there.  When I hear the ticking it reminds me to actually do what I was supposed to do when I sat down at the computer.  I was going to say "on" the computer, but I don't generally sit on the computer.

