Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to enjoy a good meal

Here are some creative ways to enjoy a meal:

If you pray before meals, close your eyes REALLY tight. This will be very exciting because you may have just discovered that you can keep your eyes closed for more than four seconds. While you have your eyes closed, wave your head around in a Stevie Wonder fashion.   This will help you keep your eyes closed even longer than four seconds and will be very funny, so don't forget to  laugh out loud in the middle of prayer. When the prayer is over, beg for dressing-salad. When your mother tells you "we don't have any dressing-salad," your mother will probably give you a sweet potato. When you get your sweet potato, put as much as you can in your mouth, while simultaneously singing "Ba Ba Ba" at your house guest.  This will give everyone a delightful sweet potato shower. After the sweet potato is gone, or at least dispersed, have fun with your asparagus, which MUST be eaten with a fork. To do this, pick the asparagus up and dangle it in the air. Swing it around a few times, then grab your fork, and stab at it.  You might need your other hand to hold it still so you can get the fork in.  Once you have gotten your asparagus on the fork, then you can eat it bite by bite, singing the alphabet song in between each bite. When you are done with the Asparagus, exclaim loudly that you like the asparagus at least three times. Then your mother may give you quiona, if she is that type of mother.  The best thing to do with quiona is stab it with your spoon, then put some in your mouth.  But don't forget that your house guest is still there, and he is very funny, so you have to sing "ba ba ba" again, and give everyone at the table a shower of quiona.  When you are finally done with your meal, make sure you burp at least four times in a row.  Then take your hands and bang them on the table and laugh.  This will ensure that anyone under the age of 5 in t he house will do the same, and there will be an abundance of banging and laughter.

All these are really fun, but I want to warn you, if you try to do this you might get really tired and start to cry. You will have so much fun that someone may have to carry you to your bed.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ut Ohhhh!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My family is creative too.

A poem.

The garden spreads out in pretty pastel shades
And the sun glitters down on the lovers
The bride blooks in white and organza
The groom is duly suober in black
The violin sings of love and the ages
Friends and family are gathered with quiet, full hearts
Tow witness the softly spoken words
That will alter the couse of two histories
Gone are the awed whispers of childhood
Gone are the fairy-dusted dreams
The wide eyes, the up-stretched hand
That traced the clouds with tiny fingers
Gone are the children they were, though traces remain-
The starry eyes of the groom,
The rosy cheek of the bride
His red cowboy boots
And her bare feet on the soft green grass
W wayward breeze teases the flowers
Who bow, and sway, with innate knowledge
Of time and Love, and of grass and sky.
A forgotten magic weaves in and out
With flecks of afternoon sunlight 
And everyone remembers and believes
Finally, hand in hand the lovers ran
Amidst the cheers of those who love them best
To leave chldhood firmly behind, 
For more solid dreams of grown up youth
With a final wave, and a bridal smile fraught with tears,
They are gone, into the future
Into the bright, and into the new, and the lovely
Trailed by the enduring vestiges of who they were
Which, with love and faith
Will serve as a foundation upon which to build
Everything they will become together.  

-Jessica Arroyo Martinez

Monday, April 15, 2013


From the Album:  Fences and other restrictive things.

Friday, April 12, 2013

30 years ago, I stood looking out this same door.  Here is my son:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The many faces of Silas

Wish I had even more pictures of this little guy.  Never met anyone quite like him. If only I could record his expressions in audio to go along with these!

He found a moment to make a run for the street. His favorite place.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hi Relatives!!!

To my biggest fan, who has memorized word for word every blog post I have ever written, and my lovely niece.  And their baby Brother.  I hope they enjoy this and know how they are loved and missed! 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Head Cheese

"Clean pig's head thoroughly, removing eyes, and ears, and cut off snout.  Remove all blood clots.  Cover with water and boil until meat falls from the bones.  Remove meat from bones and separate meat coarsely.  Thicken the stock with a little cornmeal, not to thick.  Add salt, pepper, and sage to taste.  Place in molds to cool."

Gross!!!!!!  Who eats this?!?!?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Que Vivo a Miami.

Isaiah wants to show me the wild west.  Last night he told me that the history of the west was the most important factor in the forming of our country. I couldn't disagree more.  I believe that Miami is the most important thing that ever happened to America, because I am from there and I am important.  So I thought I would share what it is like, if you ever want to visit. Here are sixteen factoids you need to know before visiting Miami:

1. Don't bring much more than a tank top and a pair of shorts.  It can be HOT.  Except if you are coming from a colder climate and want to bake in the sun.  Then and only then will it become cool overcast place.

2. Miami is NOT a giant nude beach.

3.  You must speak Spanish to have a job.

4.  You must speak Spanish to get a haircut.

5.  You must speak Spanish to communicate road rage.

6.  You must be able to communicate road rage.

7. There are Alligators. Alligators do not generally live in people's houses. They do not generally live in people's back yards.  They do not walk across the highway.

4.  I have a childhood best friend from Miami, and she is not an Alligator.  If you ever hear someone call her an alligator, please question my father.

5.  The news media in Miami has supernatural abilities. They can arrive at the scene of a crime before it even happens, with an excitable story already unfolded.

6.  The news castors also have a supernatural ability to stand in hurricane forced winds and talk to a news camera. They can also make a branch falling out of a tree become ground breaking news.

7."Pistachio green" is a popular color for a house in certain parts.  The best way I can describe this color is that it is an overly pastel colored mint green.  Just use your imagination ...if you dare.  This house is usually adorned with beautiful burger bars on all sides.

8. Homeless people will attack your car.  Rather than holding a cardboard sign, they walk through four lanes of traffic and throw things at you hoping you will pay them money.  Sometimes its Gatorade on a hot day, and sometimes its windshield cleaner, and sometimes it is exotic fruit you have never heard of that probably came from South America. Either way, I wonder if they are more successful at getting money than the folks who stand on the corner with cardboard signs.

9.  It is not popular or cool to turn your blinker on when changing lanes.  Please don't do this everyone will know you are a tourist.

10.  It is also not popular or cool to be polite and kind to people in public.  You must always walk around with a look of anger and hostility on your face as though you are ready to go somewhere important in a hurry and someone is needlessly getting in your way.

11.  You must always wear ridiculously uncomfortable heels everywhere you go.  In fact, the more danger you are in of breaking your ankle the better.

10.  If you stop at a stoplight, be prepared to be honked at to move before the light even turns green.

12.  There is only one song that plays on the radio, and it goes "Boom, Boom, Boom!!!"

13. There is absolutely no way of knowing weather or not that a song on the radio is a commercial or a song. Every commercial is a rap song.  "My neck, my back, my window has a crack."  (these were the lyrics to the 411-PAIN commercial, a legal service for automobile injuries.  It is rapped by a saucy sounding woman)

14. It is not uncommon, or unheard of to ride the city bus and hear of a man's adventures in a Cuban communist prison.

15.  At the local community college, it is important to dress as though you are going to a night club on South Beach.

16.  If you go to the park on a hot day, be prepared to have only about ten square feet of space to yourself and be surrounded on all sides by large, very loud Cuban families and their music.

17.  You can actually find a natural beauty like no other in Miami.  Don't get me mistaken and think it is entirely ghetto.  This post is musing over certain aspects of the cultural experience you might have if you ever visited this place.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed these little factoids about life in Miami. I am sure I can think of many other fun things but I am going to stop here for now.  This is fun!



Monday, April 1, 2013


I love Easter and am going to write more about how wonderful Easter is on another day. It truly is my favorite day of the year. I surprised all of my boys on Easter morning with Easter baskets.  I surprised myself that I actually did it. I got the most enthusiasm out of my husband, who got a beef jerky stick and a crossword puzzle book in his basket. My children just starred at all the stuff in their basket and then threw the "grass" all over the house.  These were put together at the last moment in a frantic attempt.  I really liked the way they came out.  I hope you enjoy looking at these and also scroll down to the end of this and you will see my "mistake" Easter egg coloring attempt. I am going to write in the next few days about the rest of Easter Sunday so get ready!

I colored eggs after the children went to bed.  I did not want to have a fiasco so I did it myself.  I must admit I started to have an unexpected amount of fun.  I have no idea how I got these eggs to look so cool.  It just sort of was an accident.  Ooops. What was even more amazing was watching Jedidiah try to crack them open to "look for a bird."  
