Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Something I really don't get is the Kindle.  Why do people want to read a book on a computer?  It seems as though we are constantly bombarded with computer.  When I think about reading a book, I imagine being absorbed into the book, in a restful place far away from glowing screens. I imagine the joy of being able to turn its pages, and to hold it in my hands as I enjoy someone else's craftsmanship.  What about doodling on the pages?  Or being able to underline things in it, or hold things in it like a leaf or a love letter? And then, after I have read it and it has crease marks on it and little notes and doodles and I can earnestly say this is MY book, I can then put it on a display shelf because when guests come over they will know I am the proud owner/reader of this particular book and it its story was significant to me, it changed my understanding of the world. It gave us something to talk about.  Maybe even my children will find it one day.   Maybe they will hold it in their hands and find that love letter and laugh embarrassingly about it, but secretly be so happy to understand a little piece of their parent's love for each other.    Now, how can you do that with a kindle?

This isn't to say I have much time to read.  I am lucky if I can get a book a year read, but I just see kindles and I wonder, what are we missing out on with them?  

