Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Okay here is the post

I deleted the first post because I wan't sure if it was accurate, and it wasn't.  The true story is actually funnier than the story I exaggerated.

Last night at the dinner table Isaiah stood up and announced that he was going to take Jedidiah to Jerry's (similar to Home Depot).  This was much to our youngsters delight, as it is his favorite store.  When asked, "Do you want to go to Jerry's Jedidiah?" He exclaims loudly, "Yes, please, I DO want to go to Jerry's!"  

On the way to the car Isaiah told Jedidiah that after going to Jerry's he would take him to McDonald's to get ice cream.   Jedidiah's immediate response was, "And feed the goats too?" Isaiah felt a little baffled by his response but they just proceeded on their journey.  Then they got in the car and went to Jerry's.  On the way home, Isaiah pulled into the McDonalds and said "Hey, we are at McDonalds, what do you want?"  Jedidiah responded with "How about a cow?"  Now, he is not one to make up silly stories, at least yet.  Isaiah was confused.  He said "Do you want Ice Cream?"  He said, "Yes please, and I want a cow."  

Meanwhile I was fast asleep at home, and my littlest one was sleeping next to me on our bed.  I heard lots of commotion and I stumbled out of my room and into the garage, where my men were staring at the ceiling. Lo and behold, the thing of great majesty and wonder was dangling from our ceiling: A new florescent light! Jedidiah was glowing with joy.  He pointed at it and over and over again said "Oooh look!  Its soooo pretty!" I am pretty sure my husband was just as excited. 

I then asked him, "What did you do with papa?"  His response:  "I went to Jerry's and bought batteries and lights and bought ice cream from Old MacDonald's Farm!"  So the mystery was solved.  Now we know why he wanted to buy a cow from McDonalds. I guess this tells you how often we go there! 


Beth B said...

What a wonderful story! What a joy it is to have kids around, and be privy to what goes on in their heads. Thanks for sharing this!
