Monday, May 21, 2012

Today I attempted at making pita bread from scratch.  It was a lot of fun, and we had a very warm and cozy breakfast of homemade pita bread with scrambled eggs.  This is a photo of the final pita that went into the oven.  I threw it in the oven quickly so I could finally sit down and enjoy my breakfast when along came the fire alarm.  The fire alarm usually goes off about three or four times when making a meal, but usually it doesn't actually accompany small amounts of smoke and a burning smell, which it did this time.  It is not going to be useful for bread but maybe for using as a storage container.  Also, I kept insisting that it looked like Africa or Papa New Guinea but Isaiah insisted that it was just an odd shaped bread.  It did, break however, and I am convinced that the hole looks like India or the U.S. j

