Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I really wanted to share (in my last post) my dinner with the whole Internet world.  The reason why is because I think that my dinner was a lot more worthwhile of an investment to look at than many other things you might have looked at in that three minute span of time, such as yahoonews discussions on the name of Jessica Simpson's baby.

Out here in the NW, people only crack their grills out for a few months out of the year, and you will be hardpressed to find a single grill in a public park.   I really really miss the smell of grilling meat at the park.  Where I come from we use our grills in place of our stoves, and we go to the park and we grill.  Supposedly, eating a lot of grilled food gives you cancer.  But we sure did enjoy our carcinogens over the years and made many memories.

And not only did WE go to the park and grill, but lots and lots of great big CUBAN families went to the park to grill. So it was like one big happiness of hot sun, the smell of charcoal, swatting mosquitoes, laying around, and Cuban music while Cuban people chase their little kids around. 

Thankfully I can carry a little bit of this memory wherever I go, because wherever I live summer will always come, even if it is just for a few weeks. (Such as Eugene Oregon)  We can still crack our grills out of the garage and dust them off and eat outside like people were meant to do every now and then, and make our own memories doing so.  Only, I don't usually find a pic-nic table full of Cubans in my back yard in Eugene Oregon, so I guess I am just going to have to leave that in my  memory.

Bye the way-  Those were some YUMMY burgers!


Unknown said...

Thankyou so much for posting your lovely story .I am happy after seeing it nice blog...

Camp Stove
