Saturday, March 15, 2014

Jedidiah, age four, is discovering the world and strikes "insterding" conversations with me and two year old Matheson:
Jedidiah:  Mama, do you have context?
Mama: What do you mean, context?
Jedidiah:  You know, in your eyes.
Mama:  Oh, contacts!
Jedidiah:  Yes, context!
Mama: Yes, I have contacts. Contacts help you see if your eyes are having a problem seeing. Do you have contacts?
Jedididah: No, my eyes are empty.
Mama:  Well, when you get bigger if you have a problem with being able to see, we will get you contacts.
Matheson (running from the other side of the room, in a loud exclamatory voice): I'm having a ploblem.
Mama:  What is your problem, Matheson? 
Matheson:  No, I not having a ploblem.
Me:  Okay good, you are not having a problem.
Matheson: No, I AM having a problem.

