Sunday, October 14, 2012

 If you don't know, my son could easily down a gallon of juice in one sitting, so for his health I don't even regularly have juice in the house.  If I do, I will leave the room for a moment and find a very interesting situation where he has gone into the refrigerator, gotten a glass, put it on the floor, open the juice and pour himself (and the floor) a glass. Or two.  Or three.

Today, this is the conversation he had with his papa, as recorded by Isaiah:

"Jedidiah seems to be learning how the world works. Tonight, as he was getting ready for bed he came up and asked me for some apple juice. I told him we don't have any. That usually ends the conversation. If you show him that there is none in the fridge and he is convinced that you aren't hiding any, he will typically just drop the subject. But tonight he thought about it for a minute and then looked up at me with a smile and said, "Then go to the store and buy some juice!" I asked, "Are you willing to pay for it yourself?" "Umm, yes." "Ok, Jedidiah, go get me some money to buy the juice." Jedidiah walked around the room for a minute, looking through the clutter on the floor and came back with a Microsoft Windows installation kit. He handed it to me and asked, "Is this money?" 

