Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good evening,  I am about to write my very first movie review/critique!

The movie was called The Town.  If you have a strong desire to watch this movie, I am going to give you a giant spoiler alert: stop reading here.  But if you want to be enlightened and chuckle, keep reading.

So, the story:  A group of professional bank robbers rob a bank in a violent manner, beating up a guy in the process, in order add some
gratuitous violence. Meanwhile, conveniently (and for no apparent reason except to build a story) they blindfold a pretty girl bank teller and take her captive for a short time. They pick her up, blindfold her, drive her around town, sit her real close to Ben Afflick in the back of a dark van, then drop her off a bit later by a lake so she has an opportunity to get really frightened so a hansome man will need to come to her rescue later in the movie.

Not only did they kidnap the girl, but they took her driver’s liscense. So the girl goes straight to the police, but then directly home where she lives by herself, even though all the bad guys are killers who all know where she lives. (But hey, one of them is exceptionally attractive, so who cares?)

So, of course, it was a big OOOPS to kidnap the girl for no reason, (except to probably build a romance so girls will pay to go see this movie) because now she is a witness to a crime, therefore she must die.  But of course, they must send the hunk to do the job, who immediately forgets his mission to kill her so he can ask her out on a date.

Are you excited so far?  Well you should be.  Know why?  Well, on this amazing couple's first date, right at minute 24, lo and be hold there is a windsor nature discovery poster. Windsor Nature Discovery is a wildlife indentification charts and poster business that we own and we proudly support our award-winning and amazing poster to be presented in this hollywood feature film. 
Okay, so I am not sure if our posters have won awards, I have to ask about that one.  But they are pretty amazing.

So, now that the very, very cute bank robber and pretty girl are officialy dating and our fish poster is involved, the movie gets VERY exciting.  Because now the cute bank robber has found his love match, but she does not know that he was her abductor.  They go on several dates and he is really sweet to her, thus completely redeeming him from all previous evils he has committed.  While he never tells her his secret, the FBI does.  When she learns he once abducted her she becomes a bit skeptical of her new boyfriend, but since he talks sweetly to her and promises her that he has never lied about anything else, it’s all good in the hood . . .

Until he MUST commit one last shoot-em-up robbery.  Don’t worry—this is all part of his journey toward redemption. 
You see, some other bad guy threatens to kill his true love unless he robs a baseball stadium. Because you can't be redeemed unless you kill people and rob a bank in order to rescue your true love, he goes forward with his plan and it’s all exciting because there are guns and lots of crazy driving involved, thus getting lots of guys to pay to watch this movie.  Unfortunately (yet conveniently for plot purposes), cops found out what he was going to do because he told his very irate ex-girlfriend about his plan for some reason that remains unclear. So, in the process of seeking redemption by protecting his girlfriend's dignity by robbing a baseball stadium of a million dollars, he kills a bunch of cops and all of his friends die. Fortunately, he escapes and then goes to kill the bad guys who set him up for the robbery (because he is not bad himself, of course). In a sudden fit of altruism, he takes the money (that he stole) and buries it in his girlfriend’s garden so she will find it later and be able give the STOLEN money to charity. He leaves her a note telling her all about how bad he has been, and basically implying that he was going to go away, maybe to a cabin on a lake somewhere where he can think about his bad behavior.  Everyone is relieved that he learned his lesson and escaped his just punishment.  The End.

This was a movie we would not typically have ever invested a few hours in.  But it was well worth it, because we have been happily making fun of it ever since we saw it. And in the end, we saw a Windsor Poster in a famous movie!!!!!

