Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Someday when I am rich due to my successful t-shirt company, I will have a line of "I survived......." T-shirts. I survived:

1. Costco on a Saturday
2. Labor
3. Airport Security
4. Taking a toddler and newborn into the grocery store
5. Driving in Miami
6. Eating Processed Foods
7. Being a Teen
8. Eating Carob

But please these ideas are copyrighted so don't try to steal them for your t-shirt company!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I particularly appreciated "eating carob." Blech! I hated carob so much- I have an extremely clear memory of the first time I tasted it. My parents had taken me and my sister to a shopping center called Unicorn Village. We were in a health food store and probably wanted candy. My mom said we could have carob, so she got some chips from a bulk bin. Such an awful taste when you have been told it's like chocolate. SOOOOOOO not like chocolate!

Sara said...

These are great!

Beth B said...

JoAnna, you make me laugh and laugh!
