Sunday, May 22, 2011


My cousin, Sarah posted these photographs on her Facebook page and entitled the album "Family makes us stronger."  I have looked at them over and over and because I think the realitity is that family is often what God uses to makes us stronger and sometimes you just go through things where you need to get stronger.  Even if you don't have a good family you probably know why one is important and meaningful.   I have so little photos of my family when I was younger that its ridiculous, and even though I would a thousand times over prefer to hold the photos in my hands and look at them that way for now this is what I have of my cousins and I am glad of it. 

Cousin Hanna and Cherie conspiring against Sarah on our yearly camping trips.
Me and Sarah or her sister Hannah or Sister Lyla, except probably not the sister Lyla because she is far to young to have been born when this photo was taken.  All the girls look so much alike in their younger years its hard to tell them apart.

My cousins: Sarah, Hannah and my little Sister Cherie on a  camping trip at our yearly camp spot in Blue Springs, Florida. Oh and my wonderful friend Jessica who came with us that year.  If anyone goes to Florida please visit Blue Springs near Orlando,  Go swimming,  your life will be changed forever by this amazing spring.  And when you get there, remember that I had a lot of good memories there, some of which involve Alligators.

My little sister, Cherie and our cousin, Sarah.  We are suspecting that Cherie crossed Sarah out of this picture.  Don't be deceived by that sweet little smile.......

My cousin Hannah.  I just love about any photo that has someone this genuinely happy in it.

I had aunties coming out of my ears as I grew up.  I was probably somewhat grown up at the time of this picture. This is my cousin Louie, the brother I never had, his mother, and one of my many other aunts, who all love to wear button down shirts and visors.  I am thankful that I have access to at least one photo of my cousin.   This was taken at Matheson Hammock in Miami, the only place our family ever seemed to "get together."  I don't know what life would be like without this place. 

This is not necessarily a love squeeze.
Dear Louie, thank you for being my cousin.  Not that you had anything to do with it, but you were more than a cousin to me but more like a little brother.  In Sarah's words, this is how we will always remember you, HAPPY!

