Today we went to the goodwill. After we went to the goodwill, I was so impressed with Jedidiah's behavior that I decided that he deserved a smoothie because that just sounded really good. It has been such a warm and beautiful day, that I couldn't think of a better ending. We had such a delightful time in the smoothie shop. He re-arranged all the tables and chairs to his liking while he waited for his mama to make up her mind about flavors and free supplements. When he was done with that he ran out the door, reminding me to not be so indecisive. Life is too short and apparently too dangerous to hesitate about life altering decisions as such. Anyway, I finally decided on the 5 fruit smoothie so I didn't leave any fruit choice out, and in the end decided not to get a free protein supplement. We finally sat down at a chair and enjoyed some mamma-Jedidiah time. Jedidiah sat in my lap and had a free sample while I drank my smoothie. As I was drinking my smoothie I began to glance at a toddler cookbook I found laying on the table. When I looked back at Jed I realized that I don't think I have ever seen him so happy ever as he was sitting there drinking his own "little people" sized smoothie AND eating the cup that came with it. He had so much fun and was so worn that he fell asleep on the way home with his face covered in raspberry juice and he is currently sleeping on the couch, which he has never done before. I am delighted to have a few moments to sit and write without being interrupted. It was a good, simple day.
(Oh, just for the record, the smoothie above was a smoothie from Miami, from a smoothie shop that I believe is much superior to to the smoothie shop I went to today, but I felt I needed a photo of a smoothie to go with this story.)