Saturday, April 19, 2008



After three years of silence in the painting arena of my life, my friend from college has asked me to paint him a real painting. I am now staring mortified at this piece of wood that is to become something beautiful, or rather powerful and spectacular. (He asked me to do something having to do with the resurrection of Jesus.) It seems as though I have lost all capabilities to paint. I am waaaayyyyyy out of it. Like totally out of it! I have to paint this, because the money he paid me was the last bit I needed to buy my camera lens. (Which I have really only had the chance to use one time to shoot a married couple in an orchard). So.....Pictures to come, eventually!

I just needed to vent about this and the computer was on, and my man went to the bank to deposit a bunch of checks into our banking account. I am going to go now.

Bye Bye!

