Friday, September 5, 2014

A fun afternoon

Today Isaiah took the boys fishing.

When they all left the house left the house,  I looked around at the mess and thought "I am finally alone, I can clean this up with no one bothering me." Then I said "pshaw" and I picked up my purse, got in the car and drove to the nail salon.

I haven't had my nails done since I went to North Carolina four years ago to visit my sisters. (I think it was four years?? I can't believe it!) I remember my little sister being upset that she did not get the six-inch-long nail extension that she was hoping for in the rural small town Vietnamese run nail salon. We all warned her that this was not Miami and they do things different here. She wouldn't listen. So she had to go back to Little Cuba with embarrassingly short nails.

So anyway, after four years of nail neglect, I treated myself, all alone to a nail painting by a Vietnamese man. When I was there I was able to watch the "News" Which was just a bunch of political fiddle-faddle commercials (OMG Can you believe how HORRIBLE the other senator is yadda yada) and lots of computer generated looking women with too much makeup (or too much air brushing?) who all talked excitedly about things lot of things as if they were actually important.

It was fun.

I painted my nails a bright color.  Not even an earthy color, partially because they didn't seem to have earthy colors but also because I wanted something a little shocking, something totally not even me.

Then I got home. And two little boys walked in the door and with the most ridiculous smiles on their faces, exclaiming with sheer joy "mama, I caught some weeds!!!"  They were stoked when I told them how proud I was.

It was a good afternoon.  Even though there were dirty dishes left in the sink.  Isaiah probably forgot about them because he liked my shocking nail color so much.

