Thursday, January 2, 2014

Love is

For Christmas, a friend gave me a really neat journal.  It has a question for every day of the year, and every day you and your husband write an answer to the question for three years.  January first, it asked us:  Love is_____________.

Now, this can be a very complicated question, but there was one blank. And only three short lines, so you have to basically write what is foremost on your mind.  The first thing that came to my mind was "love is a battlefield" by Pat Benatar. So thanks to this question, I have had this song in my head for two days now. But on the last line I tried to write something more serious....I said "Love is enduring hard work."

Isaiah's response was: "Love is having a romantic evening snuggling with my wife while watching a documentary about how National Parks were established, while having a two year old who won't go to sleep crawling all over us and biting our noses."

