Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mr. Happy Fan

Here is the story of Mr. Happy fan:

Once upon a time, there was a little boy in the land of Oregon who was terrified of the ceiling fan in his bedroom.  Every night he cried and begged to not have to go to bed and face the ceiling fan, and sometimes kept his mommy and daddy up for hours and hours because he was very worried that the fan would harm him.

One day,  however, along came "Mr Happy Fan."  Mr. Happy fan is a white oscillating fan that stands about four feet high.  He has a red face that is made out of construction paper, with a golden smile and hair made out of string.  He was lovingly crafted by the little boy's father, in an attempt to help him overcome his fear of fans.

Mr. happy face has a big golden smile, which never fades even under the most oppressive of circumstances, such as little boys yelling really loudly into his face. He loves everyone.  He watches you all night as you sleep. He will stop anyone that tries to harm you, including the ceiling fan, and he will do it with a huge smile on his face. He never stops smiling. He is, undoubtedly extremely creepy.

But Mr. Creepy Happy fan has saved the little boy's mommy and daddy from going crazy because of lack of sleep. The little boy does not find the fan to be creepy. He helped the little boy to realize that fans are not inherently evil, and that some of them are quite nice.  The little boy now lays awake in bed at night saying "The fan is not going to hurt me.  He is a nice fan." Mommy and Daddy are very glad that Mr. Happy Fan has helped him overcome his fear.

