Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hello!  I have a childhood friend! Her name is Anais Andollo Espinosa and she is now a stay at home mom of a LOT of children and she writes in a blog.  I have known her since Middle School, as we went to the same youth group together and the same High School. For example, there is the Swiss cheese sandwich memory.  Anais would bring the same exact sandwich every single day for lunch in High School,  The sandwich was stacked about an inch high with Swiss Cheese and butter on each side of the bread. I never understood that type of sandwich, but I have vivid memories of always begging her for her for Swiss cheese.  I would always eat my lunch during first period class, and would be starving by lunch.  Probably a lot of my high school friends remember me begging for food, but I have specific memories of her Swiss cheese sandwiches.  In fact, I think of Anais every time I eat a piece of Swiss cheese.  I bet she doesn't know that.

When we went home I was able to visit Anais and meet her big lovely family of six. We have not seen each other in seven years, so a lot has happened since, and it was very fun to catch up and see the good things God has done in our lives as we watched all of these little people run all over the yard.  Our visit was short, and if we had both thought ahead of time I might have some nice pictures of her family.  But the two below will have to do for now.  These are the ones I was able to take with my DSLR.

Hopefully we will be able to make some visits that aren't so far and few between, and someday you might get to see more of these folks in my blog.

