Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One of the joys of moving is finding memorabilia.  We have moved five times in five years since being married on July 7 2007, and each time I begin to unpack all of our stuff in our new place, I find more and more boxes I didn't know exist that are labeled "Isaiah's Memorabilia." As much as I enjoy getting the house in order, it is even more fun to uncover Isaiah's memorabilia.  Recently, I found that he had a sketchbook that had portraits of several girls he used to like.

Isaiah and I are both sentimental people and we like to keep everything.  Somewhere along the lines I became willing to give a lot of it up and Isaiah has not. When we were first married, I found five backpacks that were beaten up in his closet when I was cleaning it.  I asked him "Why do you have five backpacks?"  He answered a very long story for each of them.  I allowed him to keep one.  He can let the stories live in his memories.

If you ever wanted to rob our house, you will probably be mostly disappointed. Unless you want a golf ball from a youth group event or piles of philosophy books.  (Oh no I probably just encouraged a bugler to come who has been looking for these items.)

But these things are priceless to us.  It is very hard to get rid of them and I am glad that we can combine our memories together from the past, and make one home.

In order to write this blog, I set my oldest one in front of the computer to watch "Garfield" (from the 80's.) I handed the little one a cordless phone to keep him occupied.  So if you got a strange call from me and on the other line you heard lots of shrieks and squeals than you know why.


Jessica (your sister) said...

This made me laugh but also want to cry. It IS nice to combine your memories to make one home. Unfortunately my husband doesn't ever want to keep anything. He thinks he has saved me from being a hoarder.
