Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lewis and Clark

Isaiah has a special fondness for early American exploration and hopes to grow up to be an early American explorer.  So this week, he is reading a book about the Lewis and Clark expedition, and each day coming home to tell me all about everything he he has read.  Here are some of the things I learned:

-Lewis was not a first name.
-Meriwether is not "Mary-weather."
-Lewis was not a woman named Mary.
-Lewis was not a woman at all.
-Because "Mary-Weather" was not a woman, it makes it a lot less odd that he was very very close friends with Thomas Jefferson.
-Apparently, their team traveled by boat most of their trip.  Not by camel. According to Isaiah they had not invented camels yet.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I love this! Never stop writing, JoAnna. You make me laugh so much.
