Friday, October 3, 2008

Childhood Books

God is America's King, She thought: Americans won't obey any king on earth. Americans are free. That means they have to obey their conscience. No king bosses Pa , he has to boss himself. Why (she thought) when I am a little older, Pa and Ma will stop telling me what to do, and there isn't anyone ele who has the right to give me orders. I will have to make myself be good.

Her whole mind seemed to be lit up by that thought. This is what it means to be free: It means you have to be good. "Our father's God, author of liberty-" The laws of Nature and of Nature's God endow you with a right to life and libterty. Then you have the right to be free."

-Laura Ingals Wilder, Little Town on the Prarie (My most beloved and treasured books of all time)


Melanie said...

What an apt quote at this time of so much election nonsense.

Little Town on the Prarie particularly? I'd have difficulty choosing one, but I think These Happy Golden Years would come out on top, with The Long Winter shortly behind.

I recently went and read the wikipedia article on L.I.W. Fascinating! including the role her daughter played in the writing of the books.
