Friday, September 7, 2007

Married life

Every day I get a phone call in the middle of the day. "Jo Anna, did you make me black beans?" My head hangs a little low to the ground. "No, not today dear."

Isaiah thinks about black beans all day long. I believe he dreams about them in his sleep. As a new wife, it's difficult to keep up with all the demands that a man needs. I am learning every day that my life now consists of another's goals and dreams, and I cannot just think about my own needs.

So, instead of going to Jessica's house to re-edit lots of photographs that I will eventually put in a website, so that I can advocate my photography and make lots and lots of money for us and our starving family of 11 adopted children in 10 years, I am going to go home and make black beans for Isaiah.

We will have a delightful evening together, eating black beans and swinging on the swing. I can't wait:)


Marianne Elixir said...

I think you might not have time for photography with your 11 adoptees either, as Isaiah will probably train them to all love black beans, and you won't have time for anything other than black bean making. Good luck.
